Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm lame, tired, and lazy.

3 Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him,”lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.

I feel like I really let down a lot of people yesterday.

I was asked to share a story about how Jesus is changing my life. I bailed. Well, we both did. Husband and I were both asked to share about how we're in charge of taking care of the church building. Somewhere, husband agreed. Then decided not to do it at the last minute. So, if we were supposed to do it together, I didnt feel like it would be right if I did it alone. But I feel so bad about it.

I really hate being put on the spot. Then I feel like I'm supposed to live up to someone's expectations of me, and end up feeling like everything I've said I've just pulled out of my ass. It doesnt feel real.

So where is Jesus working in my life? He's showing me how to enjoy being His servant. That it's okay to feel good about doing good works. It's prosperous for the Kingdom. He's showing me that I am a part of His family. And with that, comes responsibility, but also, joy in having the responsibility. Jesus is doing good things in His church, His people, His family. Sometimes I feel so blind to that. That I can never see what it is that He is doing. Mostly when it comes to seeing what He is doing in me.

He's also testing my patience with this puppy. Zoe is wearing me out. And she's recently started barking. For what reason, I have no idea. But I wish she'd knock it off. She's such a sweetie when she's behaving... lol.

And then, there's Netflix. What a great time waster this thing is. We dont have cable, so it was easy for me to justify the $8 a month for Netflix. We're rewatching The X-Files. Daughter is enjoying the Cosby Show. I found out that the original She-Ra is on the list. Looks like I might just sit in front of my tv forever. It certainly has cut down my facebook time. Ha.

I think I've nailed my last few days. Sad, isnt it?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Feels like spring is finally here.

I found out not too long ago, after whining about it being too late to plant any, that I do in fact have daffodils in my yard. There are other things growing as well, and I am very excited to see what they will be. Also, the maple tree is doing it's thing (may be contributing to my allergies) and hopefully the Japanese maple will not be far behind.

I am always inspired by the newness spring brings. Makes me feel good. Makes me wanna get out and do something. I'm hoping to grow some strawberries this year. Maybe some dill and other various herbs. Maybe even some squash or tomatoes! I mean, I do have a yard now, and it gets full sun almost all day. There are so many possibilities!

Another new thing we're going to be enjoying soon is getting a puppy. We've been talking about getting a Westie for quite some time now, and now that we're moved, the time is right! So we browsed the web awhile and found a breeder that is fairly close by. We will be picking her up on Thursday.

Getting prepared for a puppy has been interesting. I am worried for my yarn, haha. We have been reading a lot about training, and we've had a bit of information overload. I'm hoping all goes well. Westies are very smart dogs, and I'm optimistic about training going easily. This will probably require more patience than I'm used to, and I am also prepared for that. At least, I think I am...

Spring also brings about the beginning of Art Walk here in town. Art Walk is on the 3rd Thursday of every month, from March until October. All sorts of stores and buildings downtown open up their doors to host galleries for local artists. This even brings hundreds of people downtown to see what their city has to offer. There is food, music, art, activities for children, all sorts of things. I absolutely love seeing all of the people out together, enjoying the city. It makes me hope for the future. I hope it's great.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello again.

It's very quiet today. At least, it will be for another 10 minutes or so.

Husband and I finally moved out of our horrible little apartment. Now we are owners of a home, and we are so happy here!

But today I am feeling lonely. I've been doing laundry, went grocery shopping, watched the first episode of "Celebrity Apprentice," and worked on a bit of knitting. Husband's at work, daughter's at school.

Maybe I'm feeling this way because it's dreary and cold out. I'm so ready for warmer weather.

I just need a puppy to snuggle with. :)