Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm sure you've seen this commercial with Burger King and Spongebob already. When I saw it for the first time, I couldnt believe it. Just when I thought that Burger King couldnt get more disgusting than it already is, they put out this "gem" with girls doing some nasty booty dance all over the place and some guy saying "Hey Spongebob I wanna get with ya, cause you're makin me richer." It's not a cute commercial. It may have been funny on SNL, but not aimed at my 10 year old daughter. I dont want her thinking that any part of that commercial is cool. There are a whole lot of things they could have done with that commercial to make it more tasteful.

Way to go, Burger King. You're totally sending out the right messages to your younger audience.

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