Friday, March 2, 2012

Look! It's a house again!!

I know that I've totally neglected updating for awhile... sorry about that. Alot has been happening!!

We've been very busy with house related stuff.  Picking out colors and floors and tile and brick, and then just watching it all come together.

Much of this has been fun. Picking out floors and paint colors.

Some has been a pain in the rear. Fighting with the water company (they wanted to back-bill us for water that leaked for days after the storm!!) and waiting for the electric company to come dig a line to our house from the backyard (yay for underground lines!) and then hook it up a week later.

It's been really neat to go visit our new home, to see the progress throughout the week. It looks more like a house every time I go there. I can start seeing where furniture will go, what rooms will look like. I even cant wait to go buy a new Shark so that I can clean my beautiful new hardwoods and ceramic tile!

Other than house stuff, we've been reading a book called "You Can Change" by Tim Chester with our community group, which also ties into our sermon series at church "God Is."  God is great! God is glorious! God is good! God is gracious! All of these things I want to etch on my soul. I know how good God is. I've learned a lot about that this year. And one thing that has stood out for me the most is that God uses every single situation to benefit us. To grow us, to change us. So that we might realize how good he is, and that he's got everything under control. Always.

I have a prayer for my house. That it would be just a house. That I wont worship it, and squander it and keep it closed off to everyone except myself and my own pleasure. I want God to use this house for his glory! I want to invite people in! Neighbors, friends, family. I want to feed volunteers dinner! I want to host/lead community groups there! I want to fill it up with love, not just more crap that will deteriorate, collect dust, or be blown away in a storm. Love cant be blown away. Love endures forever.

Someday when everything looks like Joplin did on May 22nd... maybe someone will stand on the spot where my house used to be, and know the love that was there.

"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

1 comment:

Kat said...

I only have one word for you "coffee" please! (oopps, thats two words..LOL )

This brought tears of JOY to my eyes!

He will definitely fill it up to overflowing!