3 Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him,”lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.
I feel like I really let down a lot of people yesterday.
I was asked to share a story about how Jesus is changing my life. I bailed. Well, we both did. Husband and I were both asked to share about how we're in charge of taking care of the church building. Somewhere, husband agreed. Then decided not to do it at the last minute. So, if we were supposed to do it together, I didnt feel like it would be right if I did it alone. But I feel so bad about it.
I really hate being put on the spot. Then I feel like I'm supposed to live up to someone's expectations of me, and end up feeling like everything I've said I've just pulled out of my ass. It doesnt feel real.
So where is Jesus working in my life? He's showing me how to enjoy being His servant. That it's okay to feel good about doing good works. It's prosperous for the Kingdom. He's showing me that I am a part of His family. And with that, comes responsibility, but also, joy in having the responsibility. Jesus is doing good things in His church, His people, His family. Sometimes I feel so blind to that. That I can never see what it is that He is doing. Mostly when it comes to seeing what He is doing in me.
He's also testing my patience with this puppy. Zoe is wearing me out. And she's recently started barking. For what reason, I have no idea. But I wish she'd knock it off. She's such a sweetie when she's behaving... lol.
And then, there's Netflix. What a great time waster this thing is. We dont have cable, so it was easy for me to justify the $8 a month for Netflix. We're rewatching The X-Files. Daughter is enjoying the Cosby Show. I found out that the original She-Ra is on the list. Looks like I might just sit in front of my tv forever. It certainly has cut down my facebook time. Ha.
I think I've nailed my last few days. Sad, isnt it?
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